Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Syntha-6 Diet Plan

So I tried Syntha 6 with my husband I I have been doing the diet for a week now. The diet consists of me drinking syntha-6 3 times a day and eating two small meals on top of that. The smaller meals are usually either broccoli and chicken or spinach and fish. So they are not too heavy in calories and they help me get the protein I need to have energy throughout the rest of the day.

I will say that my energy has been down a little more than usual, so I might add some kind of mild diet pill. I have tried a few and some are really strong and affect me in a bad way. Not sure what ingredients that may cause me to feel nauseous, but I think it could be just too much caffeine. I am ok as long as I have about 100mg and no geranium.

If you have tried any diet pills or even tried dieting with Syntha-6 please let me know, anything would help. Thanks peeps!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Discount Supplements Online

I am a bargain shopper and am constantly looking for Discount Supplements and Discount Supplement Reviews. My husband and I both enjoy working out and we haev stuck to our new uears reslution thus far.

Finding Discount Supplements has helped both me and him to learn more about what products are on the market and what works for most people.

Many of teh forum that are online that give Discount Supplemnts Reviews haev been helpful for us as well. We are both huge BSN fans and we are glad to see that otehrs notice results are well.

I am curious if anyone else knows of where I will be able to find Discount Supplements, or Reviews - Sites that were really helpful for them. Whatever you may know will be very helpful. Thanks to everyone!